Domain Name Likeability Check

Conjointly's Domain Name Likeability Check is a powerful tool that can help you and your team test potential domain names and determine how your target audience will react to them. This tool offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Discover the best domain name for your business.
  • Compare respondent attitudes towards each domain name.
  • Identify the emotions associated with each name.
  • Receive feedback regarding what consumers liked or disliked about each domain name.
Domain Name Likeability Check

Main outputs of Domain Name Likeability Check

Conclusions of overall domain name performance

Conclusions of overall domain name performance

Which domain name should you go for?

Using intuitive emoji conclusions, identify the domain names that performed the best across all metrics tested.

Standard assessment for each domain name

Summary of KPI scores for each domain name

How does each domain name perform relative to each other?

Compare the performance of tested domain names on several metrics, such as:

  • Stated intent to visit.
  • How new and different the name is.
  • How trustworthy the brand seems.
  • How easy to remember and memorise the name is.
Emotions toward domain names

Discover what emotions your domain names evoke

Identify the top emotions associated with your domain names to ensure that your chosen domain name elicits the right emotions and forges positive connections.

Likes and dislikes about domain names

Likes and dislikes about domain names

What do people like and dislike about each domain name?

Presenting respondents with open-ended questions enables them to freely express their likes and dislikes about the domain name that previous questions may have missed.

Domain name associations

Domain name associations

What feedback do respondents have for each domain name?

With cutting-edge AI technology, uncover rich insights into the associations that viewers make with the name and additional comments.

Complete solution for brand testing research